Monday, May 09, 2005

Just a Monday :0)

The Big Brother
Originally uploaded by Sarah Snavely.
We went and looked at a house today. It's one we have looked at before and really like. It was built in 1912 and really has a lot of character. We are going to make an offer on it tomorrow. One good thing is that when you make an offer like we are making, it would be a miracle for them to take it. Now it may not sound like that is such a good deal, but I happen to know God doesn't leave a miracle unfinished. It's good to know that if we buy this home He will help us with all the details it will bring with it.

For Mother's Day yesterday we had a family day. We had gone out for dinner on Saturday night to avoid the Sunday afternoon holiday rush. The restaurant we went to had escargo, so of course we had to try some so Tony could add it to his "weird foods I have eaten" list. Tony fixed a great lunch on Sunday, with Big Brother's help, and after naps we all went on a bike ride. Big Brother has a new two-wheeler we picked up at a yard sale and loves every opportunity to practice riding. He did get a bit frustrated when turning corners - he hasn't learned how the brakes work and kept tipping over on the curves. He was quite persistent and kept getting back up though. Sister Bear and Little One rode in our bike trailer. We padded the seat and made a little spot for Little One and he fell right to sleep when the ride began. After the bike ride and getting Sister Bear in bed, Daddy and Big Brother had a little ice cream. Big Brother must have been tired, though, because he fell asleep while eating. After all the children were in bed Tony and I watched a big thunderstorm roll in and enjoyed the refreshing smell of the first big spring storm. There was a little hail mixed in, but not enough to damage anything. It's always so nice to hear the rain falling and experience the power of the lightening and thunder. I'd say it was a pretty good Mother's Day!

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