Tuesday, March 21, 2006

He's Walking!

My Little One finally took his official "Snavely 10 Steps" tonight. His first birthday was Friday and I thought he would be walking a couple of months ago. I guess he just had his own ideas about it. About a week and a half ago he took his first step, but he didn't take any more that I caught until the last day or two. Then tonight I guess he just decided it was time and made it through all ten of the steps required by the Snavelys' before a baby is a true walker. I'm so proud! He'll be tearing up the road soon!

Tomorrow morning I start work. We decided a couple of months ago that it was going to be necessary for me to work part-time for the next year or so to catch up with life and get rid of some debt we have accumulated. It has not been an easy decision, but because of some poor planning it is needed for a time. My new job is at an area hospital as an RN on the Medical Unit. I will be working in the evenings after my initial training time. It will be an interesting time, I'm sure. I'll keep you all updated.

Just one final note...I don't know if all little girls are like this or not, but our Sister Bear, who is a mere 2 1/2 years old, has earned herself constant supervision and may be subjected to baby monitor after bedtime. In the last four days she has colored all over her daddy's computer screen, broken a light bulb by dragging the lamp across the floor (and then she cut her hand), conditioned our hallway carpet with a layer of lotion, colored said conditioned carpet with a sharpie, buttered our kitchen counters and candy dish, and painted my bedroom floor with fingernail polish. I'm not even going to tell you about what she did when she accidentally went stinky in her panties. I promise we really are good observant parents. I have no idea what has gotten into her, but whatever it is, it can turn this house upside down in two minutes or less. Speaking of which, I think I should go check on her......

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sister Bear sounds fun! My nephew of the same age has similar incredible feats to his credit ... bringing cake into his brother's crib in the middle of the night and then climbing in to share it was one of the most spectacular recent ones!